Introducing Macky AI: The First AI Business Consulting Platform by Kinetic Consulting Available to All Businesses

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Kinetic Consulting, the leading boutique consulting company providing business growth consultancy, has released, the first AI business consulting platform that offers any organisation an easy, non-prompt-based AI consulting solution for up to 55 different business categories. The platform is powered by OpenAI’s artificial intelligence technology.

What is Macky AI?

The Macky AI platform overcomes some of the key hurdles preventing the mass adoption of AI in a business environment. No training is required for employees to begin taking advantage of the consulting platform. No knowledge is required on how to prompt the AI to get the right output or determine if the output is suitable. The hard work of determining which prompt to use or if the output is suitable has already been determined by the software’s creator, Kinetic Consulting. Platform users are asked a maximum of three questions to generate the desired output.

The creators of the Macky AI software have curated the types of everyday requirements of key departments in a business and what type of suitable output can be generated from a generative AI solution. An example may be generating something as simple as a job description for a new employee or something more complex, such as creating a new business process or reengineering an existing one. These types of requests are often requested for consultants to perform. Macky AI aims to reduce the cost of everyday consulting needs for companies so they can empower their employees to complete these tasks without the need for costly consultants.

By freeing up the costs paid for these lower-level activities, companies can now divert effort and funds to develop higher-value business initiatives, such as business roadmaps and growth strategy plans. These higher value and more complex business requirements will remain better suited for traditional consulting. The Macky AI platform is unique because it also provides its users with traditional consultants for more complex needs. The ability for an organisation to have the best of both worlds, all on one platform, is made possible on Macky AI. The future of consulting will be the augmentation of AI and human consultants.

Macky AI provides new consulting options for SMEs

A 2023 report by the OECD[1] on the outlook of SMEs in OECD countries highlights that the majority are currently operating in highly challenging environments. The report cites that SMEs have been greatly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, rising geopolitical tensions, high inflation, tighter monetary and fiscal policy, and supply-chain disruptions. Retaining and attracting staff has also become a major issue for SMEs in OECD countries. According to a Future of Business Survey, it is reported to be the second most pressing challenge faced by SMEs that are older than two years in the first quarter of 2022[2]. Many SMEs have also depleted their cash reserves during the pandemic and now find it challenging to raise capital for their business to fuel the rising costs of goods and services and the capital required for digital transformation projects.

Outside of the OECD, we find the importance of a thriving SME ecosystem even more critical. In the Gulf region, SMEs contribute even more to the economy than their counterparts in OECD countries. Within the UAE, for example, SMEs represent 94% of the companies and institutions operating in the country, contributing more than 50% to the country’s GDP. SMEs account for 86% of the private sector’s workforce. Operating extensively throughout the rest of the GCC, SMEs employ 80% of Saudia Arabia, 43% of Oman’s workforce, 57% of Bahrain, 23% of Kuwait, and 20% of Qatar.

The importance of having healthy and thriving SMEs is recognised as the primary pillar of strength for any economy. The challenging environment and rising cost of capital make it difficult for SMEs to afford traditional consulting. Ironically, this is the time when consulting is most needed to help SMEs navigate, transform, and thrive again. Macky AI gives SMEs affordable access to consulting services using artificial intelligence. The AI business consulting platform provides an on-demand service for key business challenges, such as analysing a profit and loss statement to identify cost savings and developing a 12-month marketing plan to increase sales.

The future of consulting

Business consulting, like most industries, is undergoing a period of disruption. Technological advances, such as artificial intelligence, are accelerating the delivery of consulting in the future. Critics of the technology may highlight how AI is not 100% accurate in its outputs and is prone to error, so it should not be used. This argument is fundamentally flawed because even human-based consulting is prone to errors. All outputs delivered by human or AI consultants should be checked for accuracy. The advancement of generative AI technology has reached a point where it is now highly useful in a business or education environment.

AI technologies should be embraced rather than resisted if they are fit for purpose. Macky AI is designed to be specifically for business-related needs, and even in the open question section of the platform, the AI has been programmed not to answer questions that are not business-related. The objective of restricting it for business purposes only is to ensure that if employers give it to their employees, it will not be used for personal needs.

“As advancements in AI evolve, we need to accept that it will become a natural part of how we interact with things, get answers to our questions, and help solve complex problems. The future of consulting will be an augmentation between AI and human consultants. This is the inevitable evolutionary path. The percentages of AI usage versus human is unknown at this stage. However, I am 100% confident it will not be all traditional human consulting for much longer. Macky AI is the first step towards bringing AI into the workplace in a controlled environment for a specific business purpose. By empowering SMEs with affordable consulting outputs for business tasks, we are also helping SMEs overcome everyday business challenges and thrive in the future. Macky AI is designed to democratise consulting, making it accessible to all organisations regardless of size.” said Joe Tawfik, founder of Macky AI.

[1] OECD (2023), OECD SME and Entrepreneurship Outlook 2023, OECD Publishing, Paris,

[2] OECD-World Bank-Meta Future of Business Survey, Data for Good, (March 2022).

(Editor’s note: This article is sponsored by Kinetic Consulting)

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